My name is Gabriel, I work as a full stack developer at OnTruck.
From 2012 till 2018 I have been developing websites and backend apps on Django framework. I would consider myself backend dev with basic html and bootstrap skills back then. In 2018 I began tackling with frontend development focusing on ReactJS and ES6. I have also tried React Native and discovered Expo. All this was new to me and felt promising.
Currently I focus on web app design & development. Both, back and front sides. This requires me to do lots of researching prototyping, building and learning. The more I do that the more I understand how little I know. But since my work happens to be my hobby I’m fine. I enjoy the process. I discover new and try to use that new to build better apps. At the same time I start to acknowledge that time is the main resource. And this resource is constantly shrinking.
Recently, I have set some professional goals. One of those is passing several Google and Microsoft certification exams. The certificates are cloud related. One certificate is pure web one. The reason why I want to prepare myself and pass these exams is connected to the path I have chosen. The cloud exams would let me use different cloud services and design my apps accordingly. I would not limit the design because I do not want to set up servers for queues or caching or properly configure the database server. At the end I want to build apps, not waste time as a linux administrator or a dev ops (with all respect to these guys and girls). The mobile web specialist certificate is all about the essential stuff in modern web. Looking through the course I admitted myself that there are things I have missed. I need to catch up and get better. At the end, these certificates would help me find new clients and land on interesting projects.
I have numerous plans. All connected. The current mission of this blog is to share my app development thoughts, my product knowledge and my learning path.
Stay tuned.